
Jazz-Mataz CD2

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You can access the songs with a GREEN title.
Song - Jelly on a plate
Jelly on a plate
Song 3
Song - No bananas
No bananas
Song 9
Song - Oranges and Lemons
Oranges and lemons
Song 10
Song - The hungry sailor
The hungry sailor
Song 12
Song - Teddy bear
Teddy bear
Song 15
Song - Ten in the bed
Ten in the bed
Song 16
Song - Grandma Moses
Grandma Moses
Song 18
Song - Jazz hammers
Jazz hammers
Song 20
Song - Down came the raindrops
Down came the raindrops
Song 28
Song - Choo choo choo
Choo choo choo
Song 31
Song - The woodmen
The woodmen
Song 36
Song - Brother John
Brother John
Song 37
Song - The noble Duke
The noble Duke
Song 38
Song - Dance around
Dance around
Song 39