
Jazz-Mataz CD1

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You can access the songs with a GREEN title.
Song - Mr Thumb
Mr. Thumb
Song 5
Song - Heads and Shoulders
Head, shoulders
Song 7
Song - If you're happy
If you're happy
Song 8
Song - Hokey Cokey
The Hokey-Cokey
Song 10
Song - The Doctor's song
The doctor's song
Song 11
Song - Colours
Colours, colours
Song 16
Song - Hickory Dickory
Hickory Dickory
Song 19
Song - Goldfish
Five little goldfish
Song 20
Song - I caught a fish alive
I caught a fish
Song 21
Song - My baby bumble bee
My baby bumble bee
Song 22
Song - Incy Wincy
Incy Wincy
Song 23
Song - Five green and speckled frogs
Five green and
speckled frogs
Song 28
Song - Five little monkeys
Five little monkeys
Song 29
Song - Wiggly Woo
Wiggly Woo
Song 30
Song - Six little ducks
Six little ducks
Song 31
Song - Down in the jungle
Down in the jungle
Song 32
Song - Old MacDonald
Old MacDonald
Song 33
Song - Mary had...
Mary had...
Song 34
Song - One elephant
One elephant...
Song 35
Song - Goodbye
Song 39