Find a Club
LCF is the UK's most popular language club for children.
dim sconn, oconn, ors, oclubs, searchPC,clubtype
'Set oconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
sConn=sConn & "SERVER=DS11080\SQLEXPRESS;DATABASE=franchisees;"
sConn=sConn & "UID=mycn;PWD=(1)2$6Jk;"
'sConn = "DSN=lcf2"
clubtype = request.form("Clubtype")
if request.Form("form_action")="pc" and len(request.Form("postcode")) > 0 then
'postcode search
<% dim tmp tmp = request.form("postcode") 'weird stuff to remove 2/3rd characters if postocde is B1 or B17 or similar dim i for i = 1 to len(tmp) if not isnumeric(mid(tmp,i,1)) then searchPC = searchPC & mid(tmp,i,1) next if IsNumeric(Trim(request.form("postcode"))) = true then sSQL = "select * from franchisees where postcode='111'" else 'sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname, postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where (postcode like '" & SqFilter(searchPC) & "%' or postcode_areas + ',' like '%" & SqFilter(searchPC) & ",%') and status not like '%SSS%' and status not like '%XXX%' " sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname, postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where (postcode like '" & SqFilter(searchPC) & "%' or '" & SqFilter(searchPC) & "' in( (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(postcode_areas, ',')))) and status not like '%SSS%' and status not like '%XXX%' and ('" & SqFilter(clubtype) & "' in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(Club_info, ',')) or '" & SqFilter(clubtype) & "' in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(Club_info, '/')))" end if 'postcode like 'g%' or 'g' in( (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(postcode_areas, ','))) ' Response.Write(sSQL) ' Response.End getResults("county_email") if count = 0 then %>
end if
elseif Request.QueryString("id") <> "" or Request.querystring("county")<>"" then
'Get Counties in this region
sSQL = "select distinct county from counties where region = '" & Request.QueryString("id") & "' order by county asc"
set sConn=""
sConn=sConn & "SERVER=DS11080\SQLEXPRESS;DATABASE=franchisees;"
sConn=sConn & "UID=mycn;PWD=(1)2$6Jk;"
set oConn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") sConn
set oRS = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") sSQL, oConn, 1, 3, 1
dim county
end if
dim sSQL
if len(county) <> 0 then
<% 'Searches by county sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname,postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where county = '" & county & "' " getResults("county_email") sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname,postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where county2 = '" & county & "' " getResults("county_email2") sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname,postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where county3 = '" & county & "' " getResults("county_email3") if count = 0 then %>
end if
end if
if Request.QueryString("id") <> "" or Request.querystring("county")<>"" then
<% end if %>
Results for postcode: <%=Request.Form("postcode")%>
<% dim tmp tmp = request.form("postcode") 'weird stuff to remove 2/3rd characters if postocde is B1 or B17 or similar dim i for i = 1 to len(tmp) if not isnumeric(mid(tmp,i,1)) then searchPC = searchPC & mid(tmp,i,1) next if IsNumeric(Trim(request.form("postcode"))) = true then sSQL = "select * from franchisees where postcode='111'" else 'sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname, postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where (postcode like '" & SqFilter(searchPC) & "%' or postcode_areas + ',' like '%" & SqFilter(searchPC) & ",%') and status not like '%SSS%' and status not like '%XXX%' " sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname, postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where (postcode like '" & SqFilter(searchPC) & "%' or '" & SqFilter(searchPC) & "' in( (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(postcode_areas, ',')))) and status not like '%SSS%' and status not like '%XXX%' and ('" & SqFilter(clubtype) & "' in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(Club_info, ',')) or '" & SqFilter(clubtype) & "' in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(Club_info, '/')))" end if 'postcode like 'g%' or 'g' in( (SELECT Item FROM dbo.SplitString(postcode_areas, ','))) ' Response.Write(sSQL) ' Response.End getResults("county_email") if count = 0 then %>
Sorry your search hasn't located a local operator by postcode.
Please try searching again by area and county.
Please try searching again by area and county.
Results for: <%=Request.QueryString("county")%>
<% 'Searches by county sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname,postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where county = '" & county & "' " getResults("county_email") sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname,postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where county2 = '" & county & "' " getResults("county_email2") sSQL = "select distinct county,county2,county3, forenames,surname,telephone_day,county_email,county_email2,county_email3,email1,status, clubname,postcode, POSTCODE_AREAS,isnull(funclubname,'') fclubname from franchisees where county3 = '" & county & "' " getResults("county_email3") if count = 0 then %>
Sorry, there are no active clubs in the area selected. Please try again.
For a free club trial for French or Spanish click here.
For a free club trial for Jazz-Mataz click here.
For help finding a local French/Spanish after school club or a Jazz-Mataz club contact